There are Four (4) positions open this year.
Jackson Woika
Position: Current Treasurer
Seeking your vote to be re-elected to the Rochester Brooks Gun Club Board of Directors
Member since 1998
Disciplines: Sporting Clays, Skeet, Trap, Pistol-Rifle. Although sporting clays is my main focus, I participate in all firearm sports.
Activities: I’m currently serving as the Treasurer, and I volunteer as much as possible for most club activities. I believe “many hands make light work”. I also am part of the Western NY National Cemetery Honor Guard. I am active in my local church.
Jonathan Falk
Member of Rochester Brooks for 33 continuous years. Board of Directors member since July of 2024.
NRA-certified Range Safety Officer since 2014. Active Sporting Clays volunteer and shooter.
Bringing 50 years of experience to our club by drawing on my career in the real estate industry.
Forensic and predictive analyses of income and expense data would be particularly well suited to such a position in terms of future planning. Knowledge & experience of buildings construction and components can be useful as well. Further, my past experience related to property tax reductions could be leveraged to reduce future taxes for the club property.
Kevin Bock
Shooting sports activities/interests:
USPSA – 10 year active member, match director, certified range
Action rifle, 2/3-gun competitor.
NRL22/PRS rimfire competitor.
Big game, small game, archery, upland game, waterfowl hunter.
8 year member of Rochester Brooks.
Recreational Sporting Clays shooter.
Professional experience:
Firearms/ammunition/optics sales for national distributor.
8 years of firearms industry experience in retail, manufacturing and
Establish a rifle/pistol committee to help better serve all of the
shooters who utilize that portion of the facility.
Assist with industry sponsorship of Rochester Brooks events.
James Cooper
Active Member
Member Since: 2013
Disciplines: · Sporting Clays · Skeet · International Trap · Rifle/Pistol
Sporting Clays Committee Chairman, target setting for AFS and 5-stand events at Rochester Brooks.
Present & Future Initiatives:
In 2022 I was nominated to take over as the sporting clays committee chairman. Since 2022, we have developed a strong relationship with Promatic, that needs to continue to develop over time. This relationship has allowed the members to see 30 new Promatic machines added to our courses. Countless free services on our new and old Promatic machines. As well as Promatic donating time and resources to give the sporting clays committee a layout for three courses, not to mention the sponsorship during the Deuce every year. The future of all clay target disciplines at Rochester Brooks can benefit greatly from this relationship that has been built and will continue to be built. As a member of the board, I would like to see over the coming years one of the layouts from Promatic be turned into a year-round layout for sporting clays. This will reduce labor needed to maintain roads, courses, and movement of machines therefore reducing target price increases onto members. Other future initiatives would be to continue working with Kids & Clays, and bringing a charity event to Rochester Brooks for the Ronald McDonald House charities. I was approached by two board members from Kids and clays at this year’s US Open Championship about Rochester Brooks possibly hosting an event in the future. Initial conversations have been started about this event. Finally I would like to see a member appreciation day added for all members, bringing all disciplines together for a day for everyone to learn about what each other is doing and for the club to give back to its members. Without the members there would be no Rochester Brooks, and the members of the board and management need to give back to the members.
Tim Frieday
Current Activities: Managing and hosting all pistol shooting competition
events at Rochester Brooks
Professional Experience: Engineering Manager for a custom HVAC
FFL holder and small business owner.
Future Initiatives: Establishing a Pistol/Rifle Committee to manage all
aspects of the Pistol and Rifle section of the club.
Using my previous work experience to help make improvements to the club.
Mark Magnusson
Mark Magnusson
Interests: Sporting Clays, Skeet, USPSA
I have been involved in shooting for over 15 years now, and competitive shooting for the past year. Since joining brooks I have branched out into many competitive shooting disciplines and enjoyed them all. I am a software engineer by trade and have been living in the Rochester area for over 20 years. In my time here I have been a member of several gun clubs in the area,
eventually letting all memberships except Brooks lapse. In my opinion Rochester Brooks is the premier shooting club in the western New York area, and if elected to the board of directors I look forward to helping build that reputation.
Mike Seidenburg
Position: Active Member
Member since 2022
Disciplines: Sporting Clays, Skeet, Rifle, Pistol, Bow
Activities: Volunteer @ RB for charity Shoots, Skeet Referee, Rotary Club
Present @ Future Initiatives: I am interested in growing the club to be more and more of a premium destination for higher profile shoots & competitions in all disciplines.
Main Focus: Club Communication: Enabling all members to know about all events going on at the club, to increase member participation and help all events to be as successful as possible.